Select or Read
Basic example of a query to get all the data in a table
public class SelectExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // URL to the PHP file on the server String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php"; // Get a database instance (singleton) Database db = Database.getInstance(url); // Set Secure protocol ignored to true because we use HTTP protocol in // this example (for security use HTTPS protocol) db.setSecureProtocolIgnored(true); // Table Names String tableOne = "tableOne"; // Query try { // We obtain the returned data in a DataSet // All parameters are null except the name of the table to get all columns of all rows. DataSet set = db.query(tableOne, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); if(set.rowCount() > 0){ // Show data for (ColumnSet row : set) { System.out.println("ROW")); System.out.println("FieldOne => " + row.getInt("to_fieldOne")); System.out.println("FieldTwo => " + row.getString("to_fieldTwo")); System.out.println("FieldThree => " + row.getBoolean("to_fieldThree")); System.out.println("FieldFour => " + row.getDouble("to_fieldFour")); } } } catch (SQLException e) { // Handle exception } catch (DatabaseException e) { // Handle exception } } } +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Output: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ROW | FieldOne => 1 | FieldTwo => Field Two Value (Row 1) | FieldThree => true | FieldFour => 15.2 | ROW | FieldOne => 2 | FieldTwo => Field Two Value (Row 2) | FieldThree => false | FieldFour => 84516.52 | ROW | FieldOne => 3 | FieldTwo => Field Two Value (Row 3) | FieldThree => false | FieldFour => 359.52 | ROW | FieldOne => 4 | FieldTwo => Field Two Value (Row 4) | FieldThree => true | FieldFour => 20.7 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+Go to top
Example of a parameterized query with projection columns and "WHERE" clause with "WHERE ARGUMENTS"
public class SelectExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // URL to the PHP file on the server String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php"; // Get a database instance (singleton) Database db = Database.getInstance(url); // Set Secure protocol ignored to true because we use HTTP protocol in // this example (for security use HTTPS protocol) db.setSecureProtocolIgnored(true); // Table Names String tableOne = "tableOne"; // Projection with only three columns String[] projection = { "to_fieldOne", "to_fieldTwo", "to_fieldFour" }; // Where clause String where = "to_fieldOne = :to_fieldOne"; // Where arguments (mapping values with ":") ColumnSet whereArgs = new ColumnSet(); whereArgs.put("to_fieldOne", 2); // Group by clause String groupBy = null; // Having clause String having = null; // OrderBy clause String orderBy = null; // limit clause Integer limit = null; // Query try { // We obtain the returned data in a DataSet DataSet set = db.query(tableOne, projection, where, whereArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit); if(set.rowCount() > 0){ // Show data for (ColumnSet row : set) { System.out.println("FieldOne => " + row.getInt("to_fieldOne")); System.out.println("FieldTwo => " + row.getString("to_fieldTwo")); System.out.println("FieldFour => " + row.getDouble("to_fieldFour")); } } } catch (SQLException e) { // Handle exception } catch (DatabaseException e) { // Handle exception } } } +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Output: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FieldOne => 2 | FieldTwo => Field Two Value (Row 2) | FieldFour => 84516.52 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+Go to top
Example of a parameterized query with projection columns with two tables and join operation
public class SelectExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // URL to the PHP file on the server String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php"; // Get a database instance (singleton) Database db = Database.getInstance(url); // Set Secure protocol ignored to true because we use HTTP protocol in // this example (for security use HTTPS protocol) db.setSecureProtocolIgnored(true); // Table Names String tableOne = "tableOne"; String tableTwo = "tableTwo"; // join tables String join = tableOne + " join " + tableTwo + " on to_fieldOne = tt_fieldThree"; // projection 2 fields from tableOne and 2 fields from tableTwo String[] projection = { "to_fieldOne", "tt_fieldThree", "to_fieldTwo", "tt_fieldFour" }; // where clause (mapping values with ":") String where = "to_fieldOne = :to_fieldOne"; // where Args for parameterized query ColumnSet whereArgs = new ColumnSet(); whereArgs.put("to_fieldOne", 2); // Query try { // We obtain the returned data in a DataSet DataSet set = db.query(join, projection, where, whereArgs, null, null, null, null); for (ColumnSet row : set) { System.out.println("FieldOne (tableOne) => " + row.getInt("to_fieldOne")); System.out.println("FieldThree (tableTwo) => " + row.getString("tt_fieldThree")); System.out.println("FieldTwo (tableOne) => " + row.getString("to_fieldTwo")); System.out.println("FieldFour (tableTwo) => " + row.getString("tt_fieldFour")); } } catch (SQLException e) { // handle exception } catch (DatabaseException e) { // handle exception } } } +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Output: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FieldOne (tableOne) => 2 | FieldThree (tableTwo) => 2 | FieldTwo (tableOne) => Field Two Value (Row 2) | FieldFour (tableTwo) => Field Four Value (Row 2) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+Go to top
Insert or Create
Example to insert data into a table without returning the inserted id (returns the number of rows affected)
public class InsertExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // URL to the PHP file on the server String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php"; // Get a database instance (singleton) Database db = Database.getInstance(url); // Set Secure protocol ignored to true because we use HTTP protocol in // this example (for security use HTTPS protocol) db.setSecureProtocolIgnored(true); // table name String table = "tableOne"; // values to insert ColumnSet values = new ColumnSet(); values.put("to_fieldOne", null); // Null because is an auto_increment id (this is not necessary with auto_increment keys) values.put("to_fieldTwo", "Text value"); values.put("to_fieldThree", true); values.put("to_fieldFour", 3589.64); // returnId => If true return the last inserted id (only work with numeric id, otherwise return 0). If false, return the number of rows affected boolean returnId = false; // Insert values try { // get result of insert values (Integer with number of rows because returnId is false) int result = db.insert(table, values, returnId); // check result value if (result > 0){ // values inserted } else{ // values not inserted } } catch (SQLException e) { // handle exception } catch (DatabaseException e) { // handle exception } } }Go to top
Example to insert data into a table with returning the inserted id (not returns the number of rows affected)
public class InsertExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // URL to the PHP file on the server String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php"; // Get a database instance (singleton) Database db = Database.getInstance(url); // Set Secure protocol ignored to true because we use HTTP protocol in // this example (for security use HTTPS protocol) db.setSecureProtocolIgnored(true); // table name String table = "tableOne"; // values to insert ColumnSet values = new ColumnSet(); values.put("to_fieldOne", null); // Null because is an auto_increment id (this is not necessary with auto_increment keys) values.put("to_fieldTwo", "Text value"); values.put("to_fieldThree", true); values.put("to_fieldFour", 3589.64); // returnId => If true return last inserted id (only work with numeric id, otherwise return 0). If false, return the number of rows affected boolean returnId = false; // Insert values try { // get result of insert values (Integer with number of rows because returnId is false) int result = db.insert(table, values, returnId); // check result value if (result > 0){ // values inserted } else{ // values not inserted } } catch (SQLException e) { // handle exception } catch (DatabaseException e) { // handle exception } } }Go to top
Example to update data with parameterized values
public class UpdateExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // URL to the PHP file on the server String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php"; // Get a database instance (singleton) Database db = Database.getInstance(url); // Set Secure protocol ignored to true because we use HTTP protocol in // this example (for security use HTTPS protocol) db.setSecureProtocolIgnored(true); // table name String table = "tableOne"; // values to update ColumnSet values = new ColumnSet(); values.put("to_fieldTwo", "Text value (updated)"); values.put("to_fieldThree", false); values.put("to_fieldFour", 3589.65); // Where clause (mapping values with ":") String where = "to_fieldOne = :to_fieldOne"; // Where Args ColumnSet whereArgs = new ColumnSet(); whereArgs.put("to_fieldOne", 2); // Update values try { // get result of update values (Integer with number of rows affected) int result = db.update(table, values, where, whereArgs); // check result value if (result > 0) { // values updated } else { // values not updated } } catch (SQLException e) { // handle exception } catch (DatabaseException e) { // handle exception } } }Go to top
Example to delete data with parameterized values
public class DeleteExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // URL to the PHP file on the server String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php"; // Get a database instance (singleton) Database db = Database.getInstance(url); // Set Secure protocol ignored to true because we use HTTP protocol in // this example (for security use HTTPS protocol) db.setSecureProtocolIgnored(true); // table name String table = "tableOne"; // Where clause (mapping values with ":") String where = "to_fieldOne = :to_fieldOne"; // Where Args ColumnSet whereArgs = new ColumnSet(); whereArgs.put("to_fieldOne", 3); // Delete values try { // get result of delete rows (Integer with number of rows affected) int result = db.delete(table, where, whereArgs); // check result value if (result > 0) { // values deleted } else { // values not delete } } catch (SQLException e) { // handle exception } catch (DatabaseException e) { // handle exception } } }Go to top