SQLException and DatabaseException
Simple example of exception handling
public class HandleExceptionExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // This lines are not important in this example because the objective is the exception handling, not manage the database String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php"; Database db = Database.getInstance(url); db.setSecureProtocolIgnored(true); String table = "tableOne"; ColumnSet values = new ColumnSet(); boolean returnId = true; try { db.insert(table, values, returnId); // This are the important lines in this example } catch (SQLException e) { // Exception throws when have an SQL error or warnings // In a Exception message he wave a Database message // Also have a Enumeration with type of exception for handled it more easily ExceptionType exType = e.getType(); switch (exType) { case dataTruncated: // When data is truncated when try to put it in database break; case databaseNotConnect: // When PHP file can't connect to database break; case duplicateEntry: // When have a conflict with primary keys (PK duplicated) break; case foreignKeyConstraintFails: // When have a conflict with foreign keys break; case invalidType: // When try to put a data type in a wrong field (Example, insert varchar in a integer column) break; case notTransactionStarted: // When call executeTransaction() and not call before startTransaction() break; case nullColumn: // When try to put a null value in a not null column break; case nullTable: // When table is null break; case nullValues: // When mapping values are null break case syntaxError: // When have an error syntax in a SQL statement break; case unknownColumn: // When there is no column in the table affected break; case unknownError: // When have an unknown error break; } } catch (DatabaseException e) { // This exception throws if have an error when try to get data from PHP file // In the exception message we have more information of the Exception cause } } }Go to top