Exception Handling

Java-Php Database Connector Has different types of exceptions for error handling, the two most importants are SQLException and DatabaseException. The first is to control everything about SQL errors, the second is to control communication errors with the server.

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SQLException and DatabaseException

Simple example of exception handling

public class HandleExceptionExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// This lines are not important in this example because the objective is the exception handling, not manage the database
		String url = "http://localhost/www/projects/Java_Php_DBConnector/RequestHandler.php";
		Database db = Database.getInstance(url);
		String table = "tableOne";
		ColumnSet values = new ColumnSet();
		boolean returnId = true;		
		try {
			db.insert(table, values, returnId);
			// This are the important lines in this example
		} catch (SQLException e) {
			// Exception throws when have an SQL error or warnings
			// In a Exception message he wave a Database message
			// Also have a Enumeration with type of exception for handled it more easily			
			ExceptionType exType = e.getType();
			switch (exType) {
			case dataTruncated:
				// When data is truncated when try to put it in database
			case databaseNotConnect:
				// When PHP file can't connect to database
			case duplicateEntry:
				// When have a conflict with primary keys (PK duplicated)
			case foreignKeyConstraintFails:
				// When have a conflict with foreign keys
			case invalidType:
				// When try to put a data type in a wrong field (Example, insert varchar in a integer column)
			case notTransactionStarted:
				// When call executeTransaction() and not call before startTransaction()
			case nullColumn:
				// When try to put a null value in a not null column
			case nullTable:
				// When table is null
			case nullValues:
				// When mapping values are null
			case syntaxError:
				// When have an error syntax in a SQL statement
			case unknownColumn:
				// When there is no column in the table affected
			case unknownError:
				// When have an unknown error
		} catch (DatabaseException e) {
			// This exception throws if have an error when try to get data from PHP file
			// In the exception message we have more information of the Exception cause
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